IT HARDLY seems possible, but there have been no fewer than 20 televised debates in the long struggle to settle the Democratic nomination. The latest was in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday February 26th. For Hillary Clinton it represented a final chance to unsettle Barack Obama ahead of the next round of primaries, and she failed.
Friday, February 29, 2008
'The Economist' Scores the Debate for Obama!
IT HARDLY seems possible, but there have been no fewer than 20 televised debates in the long struggle to settle the Democratic nomination. The latest was in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday February 26th. For Hillary Clinton it represented a final chance to unsettle Barack Obama ahead of the next round of primaries, and she failed.
Hollywood's Greatest On-Screen Pairs
When the right chemistry is in place, one plus one equals big box office hit.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Obama Crushing Hillary and McCain in New National Polls
Two new national polls show Barack Obama surging against Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. In a New York Times-CBS News poll, 54 percent of Democratic primary voters say they would prefer the party to nominate Barack Obama while 38 percent prefer Hillary Clinton.
A Sit-Down with Warren Buffett - Thoughts on Business
Noted from a Q & A at Emory's Goizueta Business School with (according to Forbes) the world's second richest man, Warren Buffet.
South Africa to allow elephant cull
South Africa says it will reverse a ban on elephant culls because the population now needs controlling.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How to turn white evangelicals into Democrats
Feb. 26, 2008 | Amy Sullivan is a senior editor at Time, a liberal Democrat, and an evangelical Christian. One of those things is not supposed to be like the others, but she argues in her new book that her fellow Democrats need to reach out to her fellow evangelicals if they hope to build an electoral majority. In "The Party Faithful: How and Why D
Fly First Class at Coach Prices
Learn how to get luxury treatment in the air while paying economy prices.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
In denial: Why file tax returns?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sports Authority Fools Customers with 20% Coupon
Sports Authority sends a 20% coupon to their customers. However, they can't use it on 68 of their named brands or any sports equipment! The only thing they could possibly buy is a pair of socks.
Nader Announces Presidential Bid
Ralph Nader has announced plans to run again for the US presidency.
16-yo has Sex w/13-yo, now registered sex offender for life
When Ricky was 16, he went to a teen club and met a girl named Amanda, who said she was the same age. They hit it off and were eventually having sex. Two years later, Ricky is a registered sex offender, and his life is destroyed. Amanda turned out to be 13. Ricky was arrested, tried as an adult, and pleaded guilty. Is Ricky really a sex offender?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
10 Tips: Frugal Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day sure can pack an unexpected financial punch. Consider these tips for dreaming up an approach to this year’s celebration that is both meaningful and economical.
Early Voting Wave as Reaction to Systemic Disenfranchisement
Texas Republicans have worked overtime to make it harder for key Democratic voting groups to vote and be represented fairly. The redistricting games they’ve played are infamous. And for the Prairie View A&M University precincts, they put the early-polling place more than seven miles from the school. So what did the students in this video do?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
How the Credit Card Industry Makes You Their Slave
In "Secret History of the Credit Card," Frontline and The New York Times join forces to investigate an industry few Americans fully understand. In this one-hour report, correspondent Lowell Bergman uncovers the techniques used by the industry to earn record profits and get consumers to take on more debt.
Rick Renzi Indicted: McCain Co-Chair Hit For Fraud, Etc.
Republican Rep. Rick Renzi (REN-zee) has been indicted for extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other charges related to a land deal in Arizona. (Straight Talk express goes off a cliff & explodes in fiery wreck)
GOP congressman indicted for extortion, money laundering
Republican Rep. Rick Renzi has been indicted for extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other charges related to a land deal in Arizona
Friday, February 22, 2008
Answer Desk: Tax rebate riddles
As readers sit down to the annual brain-teaser of filing their income tax returns, this year offers a new enigma. Will I get one of these tax rebates from the government?
Two Sleeping Pilots, One Plane?
The FAA is investigating if two pilots fell asleep on a Go! Airlines flight
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Clinton's Texas Ground Game Plunges Into Chaos
"Who's running this campaign anyway?" the producer asks. "And now five hundred people have stomped away mad."
Dot-Com Dollars: Web Names Bring Riches
Many names sold for more than $100K in '07; an adult-themed name sold for $9.5M.
Fed Forecasts Slower Economy, Less Jobs
In documents released today, the Fed says it expects slower economic growth.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Getting Your Rebate Fast
The two steps you can take to ensure you get your payment as soon as possible.
US Court shuts down whistleblower site Wikileaks
Wikileaks, the Web site that has revealed countless government secrets, has been forced offline by a California judge. The site, which allows whistleblowers to post documents anonymously, is being sued by a Swiss banking group implicated in money laundering in documents obtained by Wikileaks.
Clinton's attacks on Obama's oratory called into question?-
...some party strategists who have been involved in many presidential campaigns think the attack strategy is ineffective at best and self-defeating at worst because it seems to smack of a self-acknowledgement that Mr. Obama has better communications skills — a chief requisite for an effective presidency...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
In Recessions, Doing the Job Is Not Enough
Career coach says no job is safe, and the workplace is no place for modesty.
In uncertain times, invest in the long-term
While Wall Street debates whether the U.S. is headed for recession, investors don't have to wait for an answer — they can take steps to limit their risks.
Airport Luxe: Terminals Spare No Expense
Virgin, British Airways fight for the sleekest, hippest terminal in London.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Skateboard-Hating Baltimore Cop At It Again
New video of Baltimore police officer Salvatore Rivieri in action at the Inner Harbor
Luxury Hotels Boom in the Middle East
Palace-style hotels combine ancient aesthetics with modern indulgences.
Serbs attack U.S. embassy after Kosovo breakaway (+Video)
"Kill and hang them until there's no Albanians left!" cried some of the protesters.The crowd damaged the Slovenian embassy, a McDonald’s restaurant and about a dozen shop windows."Protesters were smashing everything they came across before police stepped in."
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Bush Claims Congress Is Caving to "Left-Wing Bloggers."
The White House claims Congress is caving to "left-wing bloggers" by opposing torture.
Wal-Mart drives another nail in HD-DVD coffin (AFP)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
REUTERS: 22k [Americans] Died Amid Delayed Bayer Drug Recall
"Dr. Dennis Mangano, the study's researcher, said during the program that 22,000 lives could have been saved if Trasylol had been taken off the market when he first published his study in January 2006."
Friday, February 15, 2008
In Pictures: Where the World's Oil Money Is Going
A photo gallery of where your energy dollars are going. Shocking. A giant indoor ski slope. The world's first underwater hotel. 300 artificial new islands at $30 million a pop. And more...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
URGENT:Last chance to stop telecom immunity, take action now
Yesterday, the Senate passed a terrible surveillance bill granting immunity to lawbreaking telecoms, putting the House and Senate at the brink of a face-off. Show your support for the House to keep telecom immunity out of the final bill!
UCLA graduate Michael Cho was shot TEN times by La Habra police for HOLDING A TIRE IRON.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Senate Approves Surveillance Bill, Preserves Telecom Immunit
The Senate voted today to preserve retroactive immunity from lawsuits for telecommunications companies that cooperated with a government eavesdropping program, decisively rejecting an amendment that would have stripped the provision from a bill to modernize an electronic surveillance law.
Wife Cleared in CNBC Pundit's Death
Police find no foul play in the shady, scandalous death of Seth Tobias.
YouTube Censors the Criticism of Scientology!
YouTube users have found that their Scientology criticizing videos are being silently censored by YouTube administrators. What YouTube is doing is they're freezing the viewcount of these videos preventing them to reach popularity and making them unable to show up in the search. Send YouTube staff an email asking why! For the freedom of speech!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Obscenity: In the Eyes of the Beholder?
Charges dropped against A&F for mall posters of scantily clad youth.
World bourses lost 5.2 trillion dlrs in January: credit rater (AFP)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Answer Desk: Not a win for tax dodgers
Actor Wesley Snipes' recent acquittal on tax fraud charges is being taken as a victory by a band of tax "protesters." But, they are overlooking a key fact: Snipes still faces jail time.
"We have brought to Iraq the worst of America" (Leaked Memo)
In a confidential memo, a long-time Republican, Manuel Miranda, who has served in the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad for the past year says the State Department's efforts in Iraq are so poorly managed they "would be considered willfully negligent if not criminal" if done in the private sector.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
End of the Road for Polaroid Instant Film
Polaroid Corp. is dropping the technology it pioneered long before digital photography rendered instant film obsolete to all but a few nostalgia buffs. This year's closures will leave Polaroid with 150 employees at its Concord headquarters and a site in the nearby Boston suburb of Waltham, down from peak global employment of nearly 21,000 in 1978.
Friday, February 8, 2008
John Bolton: Kosovo independence to spark Islamic extremism
Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton says the independence of Kosovo, on which the US insists, will give a boost to Islamic extremism in whole Europe. Bolton going against his masters?
No More Trips to the Bank - Scan in checks to deposit them
Online banking service provider CheckFree Corp is rolling out technology that could mean consumers will no longer have to go to a bank branch to deposit checks. Called Remote Deposit Capture, people scan checks through their home computers and deposit them electronically. This has been around for several years for companies, but now is for everyone
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Online petition ask Wikipedia to remove pictures of Muhammad
An article about the Prophet Muhammad in the English-language Wikipedia has become the subject of an online protest in the last few weeks because of its representations of Muhammad, taken from medieval manuscripts.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Oval Office Eats for Just $500
Enjoy dishes created for past presidents; plus recipes to cook them yourself.
Snipes 'win' doesn't let tax filers off the hook
Actor Wesley Snipes' recent acquittal on tax fraud charges is being taken as a victory by a band of tax "protesters." But, they are overlooking a key fact: Snipes still faces jail time.
Want a Mortgage? Now is Not the Time
Survey shows "significant numbers" of lenders have tightened credit standards.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Donor Beware: How to Spot a Fake Charity
Don't be fooled by swindlers looking to prey on your generosity.
What the Fuck Is Wrong With Fox News?
Fox News aired a segment that tried to link Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Can these guys really stoop any lower?
Monday, February 4, 2008
Hillary's healthcare plan could have power to garnish wages
Clinton has not always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but when pressed during a television interview, she said: "I think there are a number of mechanisms" that are possible, including "going after people's wages, automatic enrollment."
What the Fed's big rate cut means to you
If you’ve been investing for a while, you’ve lived through the '87 crash and the tech-stock collapse , but that doesn’t make this year’s plunge easy to stomach. So, what’s it mean to you ?
Ka-Ching! $uper Bowl 'Tude Hits Phoenix
Jacked-up prices, star-studded parties, Hollywood bling accompany big game.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Stocks Trade Flat on Mixed Economic News
Steep job losses and Microsoft's bid for Yahoo influence stocks.
Next Michelin 3 Star: Cafe Le Delta?
Delta and other airlines bring in new celebrity chefs to improve their meals.
Grateful Dead to reunite for Obama concert
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters Life!) - "They have agreed to reunite for this one-time-only event in order to lend support to Senator Obama leading into the crucial 'Super-Tuesday' series of primaries held on Tuesday, February 5th," the band said in a statement.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Hillary Clinton: Every Nation Must Be With Us Or Against Us
Remarks from Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) on September 13, 2001. "Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price." Sounds awfully familiar doesn't it.. Do you want this warmonger to be your President?
REALLY Bad News Day for Hillary Clinton
Start with Hillary Clinton's inaction during her tenure with Wal-Mart, throw in her willingness to behave no differently than her Whitewater accusers if she can gain politically, a dash of Bill Clinton's quid pro quo favors and top it all off with Barack Obama raising a stunning $32 million in January.
NY Times - A Crooked Deal - Is this what "Experience" means?
The NY Times did an extensive investigative report of a crooked deal that Bill Clinton conducted in human rights abusing country Khazakstan that netted him and his foundation over $100M. This is front page on the NY Times. I guess this is what Hillary means by "experience."
Friday, February 1, 2008
US Military not ready for an attack on the Country
After the global retaliation to September 11th, it turns out that the US is in no shape ready for any sort of attack on the country
What Counts as an "Issue" In the Clinton-Obama Race?
To the editors of the New York Times, the quality of leadership seems not to be an "issue." The ability to unite the country is not an "issue." What Obama calls the empathy deficit -- attunement to the experience and needs of real people -- is not an "issue." Honesty is not an "issue." Trust is not an "issue." Moral judgment ...
John Edwards Quits Presidential Race
Democrat John Edwards is exiting the presidential race Wednesday, ending a scrappy underdog bid in which he steered his rivals toward progressive ideals while grappling with family hardship that roused voter's sympathies but never diverted his campaign, The Associated Press has learned.
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