Sunday, June 22, 2008

Biggest Purchase of the Year!

I confess, I splurged. I bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner. I was totally reluctant at first; after all, at more than $400, it's my most expensive purchase of the year. But after my first apartment sweep (and five canisters of horrifying gunk pulled off my floor), I absolutely love it. It's worth every single penny. Vacuuming could very well be my new favorite sport. Which is weird for a girl who spends most of her time away from home...

The Cost (or, How I Paid for this Beast)

As you can probably guess, I didn't pay the whole $439 by my lonesome. B and I agreed to split the purchase, which was nice since he could probably live with another $40 vacuum that doesn't pick up anything (eh, guys). On top of his portion, I used a $50 gift card (cha-ching!). With that help, I was able to buy the Dyson outright (not on credit). PS. Love the feeling of ownership, rather than credit card debt!

At the Store
As for my purchase decision, I was between two vacuums - the Kenmore progressive, ranked #1 by Consumer Reports and priced at $375, and the Dyson Animal DC17, which received rave consumer reviews here (gracias), from my brother - an inventory manager at Best Buy - and on many Web sites, priced at $550.

I visited several retailers online, including Amazon, Best Buy and Sears to scope out pricing and reviews. I ended up at Sears, determined to buy the Kenmore model (though deep down I wanted the Dyson).

While browsing the aisle, B and I discovered the Kenmore needed new filters every ten months; we added up the cost of filters over five years and found they added an additional $210 to the price of the vacuum. That brought the total five-year cost of the Kenmore model to $585 (plus tax, of course). I was bummed, but at that point, the sales lady stepped in and told me she had a Dyson on close-out pricing... and so the magic began.

Sears had a Dyson model with attachments (the Sears-exclusive fully equipped DC-14) for $439 - it requires no additional filters or extra parts, and comes with a 5-year warranty. She demonstrated some nifty features, like the crazy long hose and ghost-busters extendo-arm, and then had me vacuum some dirt off the floor. I kid you not, at this point, I was in the center of my very own "as seen on TV" commercial. Sweet.

At that point I was sold, though still a little skeptical of how great a vacuum could really be. I mean, I already vacuum my floors every week. Would there really be that much of a difference? We packed up the cool-looking Dyson into the Eclipse and headed off into the sunset, with just a twinge of buyers' remorse.

The Proof is in the Pudding (THIS THING ROCKS!!!!)
OK, you're bored, I know. But I have to tell you, this vacuum is freakin' amazing. I pulled what looked like an entire additional cat off the floor. It was like I never had vacuumed before; like there was a science project happening in my living room. Poor B was trying to study and I just kept shoving the full canister in his face shouting, "Look! Look at this gunk! Can you believe it? Can you believe we're living in this???"

My carpets are clean, less smelly and less full of cat hair. If you are a pet owner, I would definitely recommend getting the Dyson, especially if you have frequent visitors with allergies (I do - my mom can't visit for more than a half-hour at a time; though I'm hoping she can get in a full hour now). Sure, there are probably more pressing things to spend your money on, but if you're living in an apartment, and your vacuum breaks and it's the only appliance you are actually responsible for and you have the money set aside (wow, that's a lot of "ifs"), then I would splurge.

I think it's safe to say I'm obsessed. (You should have seen me cleaning the thing after I used it; it was like my dad cleaning, waxing and polishing a car.) If you ever want to come over and watch me vacuum, you totally can. Maybe the next time I sweep, I'll take a picture of the full canister to share so you can share my obsession.

Until then, what new items are you randomly obsessed with? What's the best big purchase you've ever made? Ever had a bad case of buyers' remorse? Enlighten us!

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