Do you find yourself spending more in the summer months? Not just because of vacations, but in general?
After reading a recent post by English Major, it hit me.
This morning I was pouring over my actual budget (what I've spent as opposed to what I planned to spend) at Mint, and I couldn't believe how much I've spent already in June.
I have spent over $600 on food (including alcohol) this month. For just me! I know, it's embarassing, but that's $200 more than I usually spend - and there's still one weekend to go! I have also spent over $300 on entertainment - I usually spend less than $50! I was racking my brain trying to figure out what's going on, and then I read EM's post (linked above).
The culprit is Summer!
Days are long and the weather is great. The sun is still shining at 8:45pm here in Texas, and I'm loathe to head home from work at 5:30pm, cook dinner at home, and flip on the TV - a common wintertime ritual. Plus the nicer weather just puts you in a good mood - perhaps a recipe for unchecked spending?
Instead every day feels like a bit like the weekend. I have been hitting up patios right and left for weeknight dinners, going out to more lunches, and frequenting some local outdoor concerts (free ones, but somehow after paying for parking, a bottle of wine, and some cheese and crackers to eat on the lawn, those free concerts sure do cost me a lot!).
Now that I know this I'll be sure to adjust my budget for July and August. Except there's no where from which to cut expenses. Utilities cost more, gas costs more, and I don't really shop much no matter what season it is. Then there's the vacation I'm planning next month. Plus with all the sandals I'm wearing in this heat, I'm really craving a manicure and pedicure - a splurge I can easily do without in other seasons.
So what about the readers? Do you spend more in during the summer?
More from Meg at The World of Wealth
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