Saturday, June 7, 2008

Chinese Yuan Carry Trade Basket Update - July 20, 2007

This is an update on the performance of the Chinese Yuan Carry Trade Basket. The experiment was started with a base of $100,000 on March 20, 2007. I have included the performance figures for both of the experiments that I have been running, although they are the same in composition, I have leveraged them differently.

Since Inception (5 times leveraged basket):

Increase (decrease) in Account Balance: $11,019.70

Increase (decrease) in Unrealized Gains: $23,221.74

Increase (decrease) in Net Asset Value: $34,241.44

Total Portfolio Value: $134,241.44 +34.24%

Since Inception (10 times leveraged basket):

Increase (decrease) in Account Balance: $22,039.40

Increase (decrease) in Unrealized Gains: $46,443.47

Increase (decrease) in Net Asset Value: $68,482.87

Total Portfolio Value: $168,482.87 +68.48% +55.87%

In 17 days since the last update, the portfolio has increased by 12.61%, which has been due to the continued weakness in the US Dollar versus all major currencies.

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