Thursday, July 3, 2008

Business Thank You Cards Increase Customer Loyalty, Drive Repeat Business

Survey Shows 66 Percent of Consumers Feel Business Thank You Cards Positively Influence Future Purchase Decisions and Customer Loyalty.

Even though business thank you cards offer a tangible way for companies to demonstrate customer appreciation, only 44 percent of the consumers we surveyed received a thank you greeting card from companies with which they do business, said Marc Wagenheim, product marketing director for Hallmark Business Expressions.

Although many factors help predict customer loyalty, including overall satisfaction, customer care, trust and length of engagement, a company's willingness to thank customers for their business seems to be a bridge between satisfaction and loyalty.

Sending a business thank you card is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to show customers how much you appreciate them. And most customers who receive business thank you cards continue to be patrons, Wagenheim said.

With April being International Customer Loyalty Month, Hallmark Business Expressions encourages businesses of all sizes to plan a strategy for improving business relationships with customers.

According to Wagenheim, there is never a bad time to communicate with customers. Sending business thank you cards with a personalized note saying how much you appreciate their business goes a long way toward strengthening customer relationships and can become the foundation for an ongoing strategy to build loyalty.

Wagenheim adds that customer loyalty isn’t just about the traditional loyalty program, like offering customers a rewards card. It's also about using authentic communication like business greeting cards to make a lasting, favorable impression.

Hallmark Business Expressions survey confirms that consumers are receptive to this kind of communication. When asked how they feel about greeting cards sent by businesses in general, 73 percent of consumers surveyed indicated positive responses, including:

appreciating the gesture,

feeling like the company genuinely cares about them, and

being more likely to do business with the company.

In today's competitive business environment, it’s important to use every opportunity to let customers know you are thinking of them and are thankful for their business and their loyalty, said Wagenheim.

Making a personal connection through business thank you cards shows you care and is good for business

KANSAS CITY, MO BUSINESS WIRE)–April is International Customer Loyalty Month and a recent national consumer survey by Hallmark Business Expressions underscores how demonstrating appreciation for customers, such as sending business thank you cards, increases their loyalty. In fact, a total of 66 percent of consumers surveyed indicated that business greeting cards sent to show appreciation for a purchase or referral makes them more likely to do future business with a company.

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